Dear Friend of the Gospel,
Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who leads Pakistani Christians in a new Exodus!
First, thank you for supporting the work of God’s Vision Ministries (GVM)! For those meeting with GVM for the first time, I want to thank you for letting us invite you to help transform Muslim Pakistan through the society-changing gospel and higher education.
There has been over a century of missionaries bringing the salvation message to millions of Pakistanis through hundreds of revival meetings. However, these “revivals” cost millions of dollars yearly, and only a few benefit from this directly. In addition, denominational churches have built colleges that are now top universities in Pakistan but only serve the wealthy, powerful Muslim families that can afford them and explicitly discriminate against qualified Christian students; the plight of the average Pakistani Christian remains this: Most are living in poverty with little opportunity for social and economic advancement.
Pakistani Christians need a divine exodus – not to leave their country but to throw off shackles of demonic servitude through an accredited, gospel-centered higher education.
A University education is key to this exodus. It will deliver a new generation of Pakistani Christians from dead-end menial labor to service through skilled professions. This proven path to a rising Christian middle class extends the work of the missionaries who brought the gospel. Western Church aid of all kinds and other kinds of gospel work has given Pakistani believers fish to eat; with Vision University, we teach the young-adult generation how to fish!
I am one of the few Pakistani believers who benefitted from a solid university education. I know how Spirit-empowered higher education lifts Christian families and benefits the nation. Their rising social position lifts their gospel light to shine in places now dark. It gives them automatic influence that being untouchable cannot. GVM’s vision is for this new exodus to make Pakistani Christians a new “kingdom of priests” who spread God’s goodness to their whole nation as first-class citizens with full civil rights. We pray God will transform the Islamic Republic of Pakistan so it becomes a beacon of the gospel for the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
For GVM, the center of everything is constantly spreading the gospel. We produced the highly successful Audio Urdu Bible with the highest production qualities and gave it away for free. It has 147 million impressions on FaceBook, Youversion, and all Social Media Apps! Our opening Vision University is just as gospel-centered as producing the Urdu Audio Bible. Vision University aims to spread the gospel and add additional social change through the power of higher education.
We have already been streaming live college-level classes to groups throughout Pakistan and other nations for five years. Oral Roberts University’s Global Learning Center and professors have contributed hundreds of hours to bring our mission to this point. We thank them sincerely – VP Mike Mathews, Professors Arden Autry, David Dyson, Jeffrey Lamp, Donald Vance, and others.
In January 2023, we plan to open a residential campus using three adjacent townhomes in a secure neighborhood about an hour from Karachi. We will admit up to 30 qualified men and 30 qualified women and begin instruction with the same high-quality faculty as those who will continue to teach our non-degree streaming classes. From day one, we will demonstrate and document the high quality of our instruction so that we can secure the highest level of national accreditation as soon as we qualify to be candidates.
Would you support this bold mission to change Pakistan with well-educated, fervent believers who love the Lord and want to serve their nation in his name? We’re asking for . . .
who will often pray for GVM and Vision University; and
who would donate work from their skills, often remotely (we operate mainly in Long Island, NY, and Tulsa, OK); and
to contribute to long-term real estate and construction, for which our goal is $7 million; and
, who will cover the complete costs of 1 or more qualified residential students in the amount of US $5,000 per year, which is $13.70 a day; and
Please let us know how you want to join us in this mission or if you would like to visit with us –by using the links donation below.
With respect for your time and privacy, we would like to communicate with you further regarding your interest in being an important part of launching Vision University.
Boldly for Christ,
Pastor Kenneth Charles, MCSC
President Vision University
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